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A Skilled, Knowledgeable Team

Chris Wylie Photo

Chris Wylie

Senior Investment Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.

Life Insurance Agent, C.Wylie Financial Ltd.

Chris focuses his time working with individual clients and business owners establishing risk and wealth management strategies to meet their long term goals.  Chris has been working with investors and their families since 1994 after graduating from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in finance.  Chris became a mutual fund advisor in 1998 and obtained his Certified Financial Planner designation in 1999.  

Email: christopher.wylie@manulifewealth.ca

Bill Sommer Photo

Bill Sommer

Investment Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.

Life Insurance Agent, C.Wylie Financial Ltd.

Bill is an Investment Advisor with Manulife Wealth Inc. and specializes in assisting individuals, families, and small business owners with their risk and wealth management needs.  He has over 12 years experience and in 2014, achieved his FPSC Level 1TM certification.

Email: william.sommer@manulifewealth.ca

Tanner Wilkie Photo

Tanner Wilkie

Administrative Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Kaelyn Elliott Photo

Kaelyn Elliott

Client Sales Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.

Kaelyn is passionate about providing you with a positive client experience.  When you contact her she will be able to assist you with your investment inquiries and your personal information changes.  

Email: kaelyn.elliott@manulifewealth.ca

Kim Tom Photo

Kim Tom

Marketing Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.

You will find the highest level of customer service when you contact her regarding your investment needs. She will be happy to:

  • Assist you with your inquiries
  • Help set you up with investment online account access

Email: kim.tom@manulifewealth.ca

Call 1-780-963-5230